Pool Care Videos

Pool Care Videos

Before the internet, before YouTube… There was only VHS Video Tape.

Mark and Mary Carvell, 2nd generation owners of PoolCo, decided to honor our customer’s requests for an instructional video. They went to great lengths and expense to produce this “New Pool Owner Pool Care Instructional” video.

We apologize for the video and audio quality, as this was taken from the original VHS master tape.
While the images maybe be older, the content is still very applicable!
We have since been working to provide more updated content but could not do away with a classic! Check out our new videos below.
If there is anything you don’t see but would like to we are always open for suggestions.

Part 1

Part 2


DesignStudio Bug Report

Hello! please let us know if you found a bug so we can fix this ASAP