Water Care mobile hero

Maintenance & Water Care

Water Care

For Crystal Clear Water, Day-In, Day-Out


The difference is our people
BioGuard dealers are pool and spa care professionals.
Network of nearly 1,500 BioGuard retailers across the country.
Dependable, accurate, helpful advice.
BioGuard dealers are always be prepared to give you the best solution for your pool and spa care needs.

The difference is our products
Easiest way to sparkling clear pool water is the program approach.
3-Step programs, Mineral Springs® and non-chlorine SoftSwim® products are convenient and effortless.
Spend only minutes per week maintaining beautiful pool water.

The difference is our solutions
BioGuard pioneered computerized pool water analysis.
Continue to research and refine the testing process.
Fastest and most accurate water testing in the pool and spa industry.


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